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UGT CCOO and CSIF of the offices in the province without appointment










Rank: 1

发表于 2024-2-19 12:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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UGT, CSIF and CCOO warn that the Spanish documentation offices are once again "on the verge of collapse" due to "the inability of the General Directorate of the Police to assume, from its organization, the increase in citizen demand that traditionally occurs during the summer period.

According to the unions, we are facing a discouraging scenario for citizens, at the time of greatest demand of the year and with a part of the almost documentation issuance offices on the limit of reaching the technical situation of saturation in the appointment system A Phone Number Database situation that worsens in Castilla La Mancha, with of the offices in the province of Ciudad Real without an appointment until the second half of August, and with offices that are distributed throughout Toledo, Cuenca and Guadalajara where it is not possible to get an appointment until the first fortnight of that same month.

UGT, CSIF and CCOO demand that the almost vacant positions of non-police personnel be filled, that their working conditions be improved and that they be provided with the appropriate technical means, so that public service can be provided with the quality that deserves citizenship. “The rest are nothing more than irresponsibilities derived from the neglect suffered by these agencies and the erratic decisions made by police commanders in terms of management,” they comment.

The union organizations denounce that "after two years of having suffered the health crisis caused by COVID19 - in which the quality of public service and the working conditions of public employees have been impoverished -, those responsible for the organization have continued with a disastrous policy of rationalization and management in terms of human resources that is leading to the collapse of the Spanish documentation offices. All of this is translating into a progressive loss of personnel that already means that the organization has almost 50% of vacant positions of non-police personnel, staff to which administrative and dispatch tasks are entrusted within the General Directorate of Police".

"The decision of the General Directorate of the Police to cover the vacant dispatch positions with agents of the National Police Corps, who to carry out this work are diverted from citizen security tasks, does not seem to be giving the results expected by the This reinforcement with career police personnel has been joined by the new promotions of police trainees who have been serving on a rotating basis through these offices without, on the one hand, completing their necessary police training, nor on the other hand is it a measure that has contributed to streamlining the service in these work centers, in light of the results," they point out.

The workers' representatives point out that the coverage of administrative positions by CNP agents entails an extra cost of more than 140 million euros per year for public accounts compared to what it would mean to cover these positions with personnel from General Bodies of the General Administration. of the State and Labor Personnel. “In this way, the money of all citizens is played with while the quality of employment and public service is impoverished,” the union centers report.

DGP managers seem not to know that to cover a situation like the one that is occurring in the DNI offices there is the figure of the interim official. That is what would have been done if we had a State Administration Technician in charge of human resources management in the DGP: months ago, we proposed an appointment of interim officials to cover positions in the DNI, until more were incorporated. workers through the different mechanisms for providing jobs or the call for an adequate public employment offer to cover the enormous number of vacancies existing in our agencies,” warn CCOO, UGT and CSIF.

This situation is replicated in certain territories, such as Madrid, Navarra, Catalonia, the Valencian Community, and the provinces of Seville and Malaga, where the majority of expedition teams have appointments within 2 months (deadline date for prior appointments), Only those on the day it opens can be taken, with a trace of collapse in the service that begins to extend to the usual vacation areas on the coast or in the interior of the entire national territory.









Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2024-2-23 09:06:22 | 显示全部楼层
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