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Today it must be evident










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发表于 2024-3-10 19:12:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从何知晓无损音乐论坛?: 网络推广(博客、软文、广告)
每日签到是否有用?: 有用,可以获得下载币(元宝)
注册邮件的重要性: 找回密码的唯一途径,务必填写正确,不正确可重新验证邮件
注册无损音乐论坛的目的?: 影音分享 
音乐风格类型喜好: 古典 
想对论坛说什么?: Today it must be evident
Example of brands that use this marketing technique An example of some brands that carry out recommendation marketing or referral marketing and are recognized worldwide are the cases of Dropbox and Airbnb , who achieved exponential and substantial growth in their markets by using recommendations in exchange for benefits or increases in benefits. of their services. How does Airbnb do it? Through their discount coupons sent by mail, by recommending the platform to our close friends. Last year Airbnb received capital worth close to $ million. How does Dropbox do it? Through increasing storage space on the platform at the same time someone creates a recommended account.

This is reflected in its brand value. People who USA WhatsApp Number Data give good recommendations for your brand are like valuable guidelines flooding Google. In the previous article we talked about green marketing , and we emphasized the importance of brands becoming environmentally aware and creating strategies that promote environmental care. Today it must be evident that not many brands have recommendation marketing in their communication or strategic plans, which is extremely important to promote, or what is the same, obtaining recommendations from some customers is the key for any brand, not only obtain compensation for your advertising, but also for something as human as a friend's recommendation and this decision will surely help give added value to your brand.

Once you manage to do it. If you achieve it, some benefits will come, of course, as long as your brand or product does not say otherwise. This will boost the word-of-mouth recommendation rates that will attract new customers, and not just new ones, it will generate a chain for other people to continue recommending you. Make others speak well of your brand and that comment will surely multiply. Until next time! I hope you like this article and recommend it to your friends.

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